
We solve our cus­tom­ers’ chal­len­ging pack­aging prob­lems.

Protect to perform.

We develop flexible solutions at the highest level for your demanding packaging requirements - for your constant progress. That's why our performance promise is: Protect to Perform.

We offer comprehensive services from a single source – with the highest quality, for the best possible protection of products, people and customers. From the development of a tailored solution to packaging manufacturing and contract packaging to qualification and documentation.

Infusion bags

Applications of laminates made of mono-materials for enteral nutrition and pharmaceutical packaging

How can pack­aging for phar­ma­ceut­ic­al products and enter­al nutri­tion be made more envir­on­ment­ally friendly without com­prom­ising on qual­ity and safety? The tar­geted use of recyc­lable mater­i­als such as polypro­pyl­ene (PP) reduces the mater­i­al mix in pack­aging and thus improves its recyc­lab­il­ity in accord­ance with the CEFLEX guidelines. This helps …

mono pouch CLEAR: Sustainability through innovation

The mono pouch CLEAR: Sustainability through innovation

Sus­tain­ab­il­ity is a cent­ral com­pon­ent of everything we do. With innov­at­ive mono-mater­i­al solu­tions, we are revo­lu­tion­iz­ing the pack­aging industry by devel­op­ing mater­i­als that are more envir­on­ment­ally friendly and highly func­tion­al. Our new pack­aging com­bines mech­an­ic­al strength, excel­lent bar­ri­er prop­er­ties and is recyc­lable in accord­ance with …


Are you look­ing for con­tract pack­aging ser­vices for phar­ma­ceut­ic­al & med­ic­al products, for pack­aging man­u­fac­tur­ing or fur­ther labor­at­ory ser­vices? Please refer to the web­site of our Swiss part­ner.

Are you vis­it­ing from the United States and are inter­ested in learn­ing more about con­tract pack­aging ser­vices for med­ic­al products of Fruh in the US? If so, click con­tin­ue.