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We ensure that the products entrus­ted to us are sent to you in the desired pack­aging and with the cor­rect label so we can help you to min­im­ize error rates in the ware­house and dur­ing distribution.

Our cus­tom­er-friendly label print­ing pro­cess includes the fol­low­ing variants:

  • We pre­pare and man­age your label in our sys­tem based on your specifications.
  • You man­age the data your­self and we print the label via your sys­tem using a sys­tem connection.
  • At Früh, we also have clean room label print­ing. To ensure a low-germ envir­on­ment, espe­cially for products (e.g., primary blister packs with Tyvek lids) in which there is print­ing dir­ectly on the first bar­ri­er packaging.