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Films for sterile packaging

Thin, light and envir­on­ment­ally friendly: Films are the mod­ern answer to the need for prac­tic­al and high-qual­ity pack­aging mater­i­als. We pro­duce flat films, tubu­lar films and com­pos­ite films under the strict­est hygien­ic clean room con­di­tions. Dis­cov­er our addi­tion­al ser­vices: from film print­ing to film lam­in­a­tion and reel cutting.

Films that meet the highest standards

Med­ic­al devices and phar­ma­ceut­ic­al products have spe­cif­ic require­ments regard­ing their pack­aging. The sterile goods must be optim­ally pro­tec­ted and their func­tion­al­ity and ster­il­ity must be ensured until use. To meet these require­ments, we pro­duce films under ISO 8 clean room con­di­tions and com­ply with Chinese GMP guidelines. We pro­duce a vari­ety of com­bin­a­tions of com­pos­ite films with our machines.

From film to pouch in four steps

Four steps to sterile film pack­aging for phar­ma­ceut­ic­al and med­ic­al devices.


Film printing

We ensure that your pro­duct’s image is a suc­cess. With our power­ful print­ing infra­struc­ture and first-class print qual­ity, we can give your pack­aged product a unique look. Wheth­er you need extern­al pack­aging or sand­wich pack­aging, our print­ing facil­ity can handle every order size and every require­ment – fast and efficiently.

Flexo print­ing: Six col­ors (in-house)
Grav­ure print­ing: Ten col­ors (includ­ing varnish).

We print under ISO 8 clean room conditions.

Film lamination

We lam­in­ate using state-of-the-art equip­ment and offer solvent-based as well as solvent-free lam­in­at­ing tech­no­logy depend­ing on requirements.

Our main spe­cific­a­tions are:
- Peelable lam­in­ates
- FFS films
- Ster­il­iz­able lam­in­ates
- Bar­ri­er lam­in­ates
- Tubu­lar lamination

We lam­in­ate under ISO 8 clean room conditions.

Film lamination

Reel cutting

We cut the films with a reel cut­ting machine. It is equipped with a con­tact­less web clean­ing sys­tem for even great­er hygiene and safety. The films are then delivered in rolls.

We cut under ISO 8 clean room conditions.

Pouch production

We are also happy to make the pouches for you from the roll material:

  • Peel pouch
  • Stand-up pouch
  • Over­wrap
  • Infu­sion bags
  • Side-seal pouch
  • 5‑seam pouch

Find out more about our pouches.

foil printing machine

Our manufacturing process is product-specific and aligned to our customers' requests

The choice of the right pack­aging for med­ic­al devices and phar­ma­ceut­ic­al products depends, among oth­er things, on the nature of the product, the require­ments of the product users, and the pro­duct’s area of application.

Contact our team of experts – we will be happy to advise you on the steps of film production.

Philipp Hofer
Sales Manager & Key Account Manager
+41 58 258 22 68

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