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After the clean room pack­aging step, the product is dis­charged for final pack­aging. Products with bar­ri­er or pro­tect­ive pack­aging are then placed in their sales pack­aging so they are optim­ally pro­tec­ted extern­ally. In accord­ance with stand­ard­ized pack­aging or your designs, we pack­age the products in car­tons or boxes, label them and wrap them with pro­tect­ive shrink film.

In accord­ance with a val­id­ated load­ing plan, the products are boxed in ster­il­iz­a­tion con­tain­ers and pal­let­ized. Com­pli­ance with a clearly defined sys­tem is import­ant for the sub­sequent ster­il­iz­a­tion pro­cess. Before the pal­let is sent for ster­il­iz­a­tion, there is one final inde­pend­ent qual­ity check of all of the pro­duc­tion doc­u­ment­a­tion (order file check).