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Con­tract pack­aging ser­vice for med­ic­al devices

Our cus­tom­ers are man­u­fac­tur­ers of med­ic­al devices, for example, for trau­mato­logy, dent­al tech­no­logy or oph­thal­mo­logy. They face the chal­lenge of pack­aging their implants in a sterile man­ner. We solve this chal­lenge for our cus­tom­ers with con­tract pack­aging. We would be pleased to do so for your med­ic­al tech­no­logy products as well.

This is what you can expect from our con­tract pack­aging ser­vice for med­ic­al tech­no­logy products

  • Tailored primary, sec­ond­ary and ter­tiary packaging
  • Biocom­pat­ib­il­ity of the pack­aging materials
  • Label print­ing for clean room use
  • Low-germ pack­aging and labeling in accord­ance with ISO 7 clean room conditions
  • Clean room pack­aging under mod­i­fied atmosphere
  • Gamma ray or X‑ray sterilization
  • Dir­ect con­nec­tion to your ERP system
  • Door-to-door” ser­vice

Are you look­ing for pack­aging for phar­ma­ceut­ic­al products? We are the per­fect con­tact for con­tract pack­aging for pharmaceuticals.

Record through­put time of 8 to 10 days

Thanks to the highest level of pre­ci­sion and effi­cient pro­duc­tion lines, we guar­an­tee fast through­put times – to ensure that your products are delivered where they will be used quickly. Qual­ity assur­ance involves the latest inspec­tion sys­tems that mon­it­or all work steps.

Implants are packaged under controlled conditions in accordance with ISO class 7.

Do you have any questions? We will be happy to show you the possibilities.

Ivan Orlando
Sales Manager & Key Account Manager
+41 58 258 23 50

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