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Shelf life, res­ist­ance against dam­age and tem­per­at­ure sta­bil­ity: Our pack­aging is care­fully tested. Time and time again. 

Robust­ness testing:

  • Drop test
  • Gas chro­ma­to­graphy
  • Slid­ing friction
  • Meas­ure­ment of water content
  • Micro­scopy
  • Oxy­gen per­meab­il­ity measurement
  • Determ­in­a­tion of melt­ing point (DSC)
  • Tact­ile meas­ure­ment on our ultra-mod­­ern 3D meas­ur­ing equipment
  • Com­pos­ite adhe­sion values

Pack­aging solu­tions for the med­ic­al device and phar­ma­ceut­ic­al indus­tries require the highest stand­ards and are sub­ject to con­stant qual­ity con­trol at Früh. Our spe­cial­ists reg­u­larly test them in the labor­at­ory under con­trolled con­di­tions using out­sourcing tests to ensure that they meet our qual­ity prom­ise at all times.